Create a shared experience with the Indianapolis Art Center.

The Indy Art Center offers customized group classes for businesses, families, and groups of friends looking to create a shared experience through art. Indy Art Center staff and faculty can tailor your experience to fit the needs of your group while crafting special and unforgettable moments.

If you’re interested in booking a group activity, please fill out the inquiry form below.

Class and Activity Pricing

Group Class Pricing. Great for teambuilding and family experiences.

  • Fibers – $50 per person
  • Clay, Drawing, Jewelry, Painting, Photo, & Print – $61 per person
  • Fused Glass, Sculpture, & Wood – $69 per person
  • Glassblowing – $84 per person
  • Youth & Teen – $30 per person

Group Craft Activity Pricing. Great for birthday parties, field trips, & scouting events. Last about 1 hour.

  • $100 room rental fee
  • $15 per person

Team Building + Private Classes

We’ve hosted team building events for local and regional businesses, including Delta Faucet, MISO, St. Vincent Physicians, Roche Diagnostics, and numerous Girl Scout troops:

  • Led by Indy Art Center faculty, Delta Faucet employees painted a mural of the company’s logo onto multiple canvases that were then hung in their offices.
  • The MISO Energy team took glassblowing together —a collaborative experience where you rely on others to provide support to shape the end result— as a way to improve communication and trust.
  • To thank their employees and provide a respite from busy hospital life, St Vincent Physicians group booked an art retreat where more than 60 employees enjoyed a variety of art-making experiences throughout the Indianapolis Art Center’s multidisciplinary studios.
  • The Art Center has helped several Girl Scout Troops earn art badges through ceramics, printmaking, painting and many other mediums offered all under one roof. We introduce art history and skill-building in these transformative youth classes.

Birthday parties, family reunions, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and more have all been celebrated in our studios! If you are looking for a unique way to create a shared experience, the Indy Art Center can provide customizable group classes to meet your needs.